
SNU Commencement is Here!  Click here for details about the weekend. 

General Education

通识教育是每个学生在首尔大学教育经历的核心. As a Christian, liberal arts university, 首尔大学希望其学生广泛地学习成为基督徒的基本知识和技能,并在他们生活和工作的社区中成为领导者. 

通识教育课程为学生提供了大约57个学分的课程,这些课程教授和加强批判性思维和解决问题的能力, the ability to communicate effectively, and appreciation of human creativity, science and technology, and modern world.  Central to the mission of the university, 学生将从事转型的学习经验,旨在探索什么是寻求真理的乐天使官网在基督为中心的社区一起.

To find our more about SNU’s General Education program contact Dr. Heather Clemmer, our Director of General Education (hclemmer@carlosfrancisco.net).

General Education
  • Gen Ed Learning Outcomes

    Goals of the General Education Program

    Upon successfully completing their core educational requirements, 学生将有机会获得一个受过通识教育的人所具备的知识和技能. At SNU, we believe that to be liberally educated, 一个人必须不仅仅是在一个狭窄的知识领域里有能力的专家,但应该熟悉探索广泛的人类经验的科目. To be liberally educated, 一个人必须能够公开、诚实地研究所有领域的知识,认识到每一个领域的知识都与其他领域有着千丝万缕的联系, only when integrated, approach the whole truth. 在基督教背景下接受教育的人会欣赏对上帝的适当研究, the underlying principles of our world/universe, 以及人类对真理和意义的追求,这在上帝通过基督的启示中得到了体现. We believe that, at a minimum, SNU graduates

    根据学科支持的证据解释和/或分析问题,以便得出可以反思和评估的适当结论. (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving)

    通过知识的整合来解释社会责任并将其置于背景中, interpretation, and application of diverse perspectives. (Social  Responsibility)

    获取并综合适当的证据,构建深思熟虑和连贯的信息交流,并利用健全的修辞和视觉过程表达和/或呈现. (Effective Communication)

    …使用学科的工具对艺术品进行描述和语境分析,以便解释艺术品的意义并评估其表达. (Artistic Expression)

    …can evaluate developments in science, technology and health on the basis of elementary principles, good scientific practices, and the proper interpretation of mathematical models and statistics. (Science and Technology)

    识别全球差异,并根据特定学科的标准进行分析, various research methodologies, and differing worldviews to explain multiple cultural perspectives. (Global Perspectives)

    能够清晰地表达基督教的观点如何创造和深化文化意义, personal, social, and aesthetic issues; can evaluate moral and ethical choices in light of sound interpretations of Christian scriptures based on the best available methods, Christian traditions, and the Wesleyan theological perspective; and can operationalize that analysis through active stewardship and service. (Christian Scriptures and Traditions)

    To these ends, the faculty and students at SNU commit themselves to creating a learning environment that encourages and nurtures curiosity and is characterized by rigorous intellectual standards; a methodology requiring understanding prior to judgment; the freedom to study all fields of human knowledge and behavior critically, openly, and honestly; and the practice of civil discourse that demonstrates respect for all those involved in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom (i.e., faculty, students, and subjects).

  • General Education Transfer Course Equivalency

    一些首尔大学通识教育课程要求的具体课程等效性已经在俄克拉何马州其他机构的普通转学课程中确定. 学生可选修指定课程,而毋须填写选修申请表. For further details, contact the SNU Registrar’s Office (405-491-6386).

    The SNU General Education Transfer Course Equivalency page has been created with Adobe Acrobat. 为了阅读手册,您必须在计算机上安装acrobatreader. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, click on this link and download it free.

    首尔大学通识教育在俄克拉何马州机构的普通转学课程之间的等效性这些页面将向您介绍1999-2000年俄克拉何马州高等教育课程等效性. As of spring 2000, 首尔大学将承认下列指定首尔大学通识教育要求的课程等效性. 此列表也可以通过您的个性化Univisor页面顶部的选项栏上的Univisor“资源”选项卡访问.

    这些信息是针对目前的首尔大学学生,他们未来的学习计划可能包括俄克拉何马州的转学课程. 您不必填写替代申请表,以替代首尔大学通识教育要求中的特定俄克拉何马州课程之一.

    如果你打算从德州学院或大学转学课程, it may be helpful to consult Texas Common Course Numbering System Transfer Guides for related course lists. However, SNU does not yet automatically recognize these Texas equivalencies, 因此,建议您提前申请批准德克萨斯转学工作.]

    Click here for the main page of the Oklahoma Course Equivalency Project.

  • Honors Program

    南拿撒勒荣誉准备有天赋的乐天使官网为他们周围的世界服务. Our program is designed to stimulate creative, interdisciplinary analysis, facilitate student-faculty mentorship, 并使学生在毕业后能够进行高质量的本科研究. 通过要求参与服务学习和跨文化体验, we teach motivated students to lead by example. By encouraging excellence in scholarship and creative analysis, 我们培养终身学习者,他们将利用自己的智力天赋来丰富专业知识, social, and religious communities in which they live, beginning with the campus community at SNU. 荣誉项目的学生不仅领导着他们周围更大的学生社区,而且培养了一个重视奖学金和服务的社区. 南拿撒勒荣誉学院的目标是鼓励学生挑战自我, 努力不懈,尽其所能,作真实敬虔学问的最好见证人.


    The Tangible

    • Honors Scholarship covering over-the-block tuition up to 20 hours
    • Special Freshman Year Experience courses
    • Fewer General Education hours required in Honors track
    • Access to Honors Lounge in the Library
    • Early enrollment for classes after matriculation
    • Extended network printing privileges

    The Intangible

    • Personal mentoring relationships with excellent faculty
    • Membership in a community of diverse but motivated and gifted learners
    • Research opportunities guided by students’ own interests
    • Scholarship and grant assistance for academically excellent work
    • 加强准备和建议后学位专业和乐天使官网院的经验
    • 增加了跨文化体验和国际旅行的机会
    • Formative, integrative, 以及长期的服务学习经验,以了解我们周围世界的需求
    • 通过积极地运用自己,超越自己所相信的局限而获得的自我认识

    Early Application Deadline: January 1 

    • 在1月1日之前提交申请,就有机会赢得一张价值25美元的亚马逊礼品卡!

    Who Can Apply

    •  Non-provisional, incoming SNU freshmen
    • Current SNU freshmen in good academic standing

    Criteria for Admission

    • 25 or higher ACT/ 1100 or higher SAT (Math + Verbal)
    • Top 10% of high school graduating class preferred
    • 完成/接收学生大一秋季学期的Comp I学分或豁免状态(这可以通过同时入学来满足), AP or CLEP testing, or simply scoring 25+ on the English portion of ACT)

    Honors Program Application 

    The Honors Program application includes

    • Honors Online Application Form
    • Honors Program Admission Essay (if applicable):
      • If you have less than a 25 ACT/1100 SAT score, 你必须完成这篇短文才能进入荣誉课程.

    How Applications Are Evaluated 

    Each application is evaluated individually. 符合所有标准并有积极推荐的申请人将优先接受, first-served basis. 当我们达到最大学生人数(22)时,申请人将被添加到等待名单中.

    For more information, please contact gweaver@carlosfrancisco.net

  • Academic Research

    Research in Learning

    南拿撒勒大学的学生有很多机会积极参与研究,作为丰富学术经验和追求所选研究领域知识的一部分. 我们的教师经常以师徒关系与学生一起工作,共同探索他们可能通过研究发现的东西. Although primarily a teaching university, 首尔大学致力于将研究作为体验式学习的一部分,以实现卓越的学术追求.

    Research Safety and Compliance

    联邦法规要求任何使用人类受试者进行的研究都必须得到机构审查委员会(IRB)的批准,以确保研究的安全性和道德实践. 首尔大学伦理委员会由首尔大学教员和社区代表组成,他们非常有资格决定在首尔大学进行的人体研究是否合适.

    Research for Grants

    Research for grants are also a part of SNU research endeavors. 我们的一些大学项目是由私人和政府资助的,这些项目需要声音的展示, statistical data obtained through extensive research.


    在首尔大学对研究感兴趣,以进一步了解他们所选择的研究领域的学生在首尔大学的学术生涯中提供了极好的学术研究机会. 以下链接是首尔大学学生参与的研究信息. 这里的信息是对首尔大学学生开放的研究机会的抽样. 有关学生研究机会的更多信息可以通过联系各个学术部门/学院获得.

    Honors Program Undergraduate Research Symposiums

  • Freshmen Learning Communities

    At SNU, we believe that the best learning happens when students, faculty and staff work together in community. 我们也相信高中教育只是为你在大学取得成功做了部分准备. 这与对大学生活和工作的一套全新的、不同的期望有很大关系. Students across the US struggle to make that transition. We want you to make a successful transition to college. 为了帮助你做到这一点,我们设计了一种叫做“学习社区”的方法.

    As an incoming SNU freshman, 你应该在第一学期参加一个配对课程学习社区. 这意味着你将和一群像你一样的新生一起参加两个相连的课程,整个学期你将每周5天和同样的同学见面. 班级规模很小,平均在20到35名学生之间,以创造一种熟悉的氛围. By being in the same two classes with the same small group of students, you will find a natural group of friends with which to study. You’ll support one another to become highly effective, successful college students in your first semester, which will set you up to successfully graduate four years from now.

    在我们为期四天的新生学院(NSI)中,你将在与同学见面的同时见到你的学习社区教授。. The professors will serve as your Faculty Mentors, 甚至在上课前就在非正式的场合(包括拜访他们的家)了解你! 教师们之所以选择参加这个项目,是因为它为在首尔大学更高层次的参与和学习奠定了坚实的基础. 教授这些学习社区的教授们共同设计了一种学习体验,可以帮助你与他们和你的同龄人建立联系, 向你介绍在大学阶段有效学习所需的技能, 并使你能够整合你在这两门课程中学到的知识和技能,创造出有意义的东西.

    Finally, you’ll get to know a larger group of SNU faculty, staff, and students who believe that their success is measured by your success. During the semester, 您的学习社区将有机会参加由学生发展工作人员领导的过渡支持研讨会, 在图书馆和研究素养的会议上与图书馆馆长和图书馆教职员工见面, 在学期结束前,高年级学生将领导关于入学通知准备工作的讨论. The faculty, 为学习社区服务的员工和学生将会亲自了解你, help you identify and apply your God-given strengths, 并帮助你发展成为我们以基督为中心的乐天使官网社区的高效成员.

    如果您对首尔大学的学习社区有任何疑问,请联系 Dr. Dennis Williams, Dean of Teaching and Learning; Dr. Heather Clemmer, General Education Director, or Mrs. Misty Jaggers, Director of Student Success.

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